
This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

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I'm doing this to test a custom scroller. It'll be a while before this website makes sense. Eventually it will be a record of all the books I have, with pretty pictures of them. I'm doing it for no other reason than I'm a nerd who likes to look through pictures of my books. I'm very happy about finding Neocities. I knew how to use html coding many, many years ago when I had an old myspace page on an old white box computer. I don't even remember how I learned it. I've been saying for a long time that I miss the 'old internet'. It was choatic, random, personal and interesting. Very little about modern social media could be considered interesting. Compared to 'the old days' it all looks pretty much the same. There isn't much joy in finding a new Facebook or Instagram page, but finding a really good, unique website on the 'old internet' felt like discovering buried treasure. Does this make a new line or do I actually have to make a new line?

I have to actually make a new line. I'll have to do a few of these to test the scroller. As you can see (if you stumble across this mess), I can babble. If I need to babble a bunch more I'll probably start going on about Howl's Moving Castle or Labyrinth or Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I need more text so let's start with Howl's Moving Castle. It was one of my favourite movies from way back so when I found out there was a book I was excited, to say the least. I was not prepared for how different it would be! In the movie Howl is elegant and clever. In the book, he's indredibly deceitful, spends most of the story pretending to be an idiot while actually being a genius from Wales! I probably should have given a spoiler warning there.

The scroller didn't work and I don't know how to fix it lol gonna be honest it'll take me a while to figure out how to do all this. If anyone comes across this who is feeling generous, please send me screenshots on my Tumblr.